Westminster C of E Primary Academy

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Westminster Road, Bradford, BD3 0HW


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Westminster C of E Primary Academy

Everyone Welcome, Everyone Belongs, Everyone Flourishes...nourished by God's Love

Ofsted & SIAMS Reports

Ofsted Report - September 2023 - GOOD


Inspection of Westminster Church of England Primary Academy

Westminster Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD3 0HW                                          


Inspection dates:


20 and 21 September 2023


Overall effectiveness



The quality of education


Behaviour and attitudes


Personal development


Leadership and management


Early years provision


Previous inspection grade

Requires improvement


The headteacher of this school is Simon Gallacher. This school is part of Bradford Diocesan Academy Trust, which means other people in the trust also have responsibility for running the school. The trust is run by the chief executive officer, Carol Dewhurst, and overseen by a board of trustees, chaired by Theresa Mason.



What is it like to attend this school?

Westminster Church of England Primary Academy is a school that celebrates and serves its pupils, and local community, extremely well. There is a respectful culture based around the school’s ethos: ‘everyone welcome, everyone belongs, everyone flourishes’. Pupils are safe and happy. They respect, and usually rise to, the high expectations that staff have of them. Pupils play well together at social times. Many pupils join the school mid-year. Staff use well-established processes to make sure that new pupils quickly feel at home.

The curriculum in many subjects is very well thought through. In some subjects, leaders are still refining the curriculum to make sure that pupils get the most out of their learning. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) learn well. Children in the early years settle quickly. Staff are becoming skilled in helping children learn new knowledge and vocabulary.

The school provides excellent support to parents and carers so that they can help their children learn, grow and stay safe. The school is keen to champion Bradford and West Yorkshire. Pupils develop a keen sense of belonging to their local community.

The trust has provided crucial and highly effective support to the school since it joined.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school helps every pupil learn to read. Staff teach phonics lessons confidently and with precision. They choose activities that enable pupils to focus closely on the sounds that they are learning. Skilled staff give pupils who find reading more difficult the help they need to become fluent, confident readers.

The curriculum that pupils study is broad. In each subject, leaders break down the knowledge pupils need into small steps. In some subjects, staff have a very detailed understanding of what pupils should know and when. Staff understand how knowledge and skills develop over time. In these subjects, pupils deepen their understanding. They talk convincingly about what they know. In a small number of subjects, staff are less certain about what to emphasise to pupils. In these subjects, staff do not consistently check, and build on, what pupils have already learned.

When this happens, pupils have a less secure grasp of important knowledge.

The school meets the needs of pupils with SEND, including those with a high level of need. Staff work closely with families. They know pupils well and give them the right support. The school is keen for pupils with SEND to be as independent as possible.

At times, some pupils rely too much on staff. Support staff are receiving training in how to develop pupils’ independence.


Teachers build positive relationships with pupils. The school has developed clear routines that pupils follow. Behaviour in lessons is calm. Pupils engage well with activities. Bullying is rare. Pupils feel confident about reporting concerns. They know that teachers will help them to resolve any problems with their peers. Leaders have made attendance a high priority. This is beginning to have a positive impact. Staff do all they can to make sure that all pupils come to school each day.

Pupils have opportunities to learn about the wider world. The school draws on the experience that many pupils have of life in other countries. Pupils are respectful of other faiths and cultures. There is a range of educational visits that enrich the school’s curriculum. This helps pupils secure and strengthen their knowledge.

The curriculum for pupils’ personal, social and health education (PSHE) is well thought through. However, some of the activities staff choose do not give pupils enough opportunity to think deeply about their learning of PSHE. This means pupils remember some aspects of the PSHE curriculum better than others.

The curriculum for the early years is carefully designed to get children ready for their next stage. Teacher-led sessions are delivered well. Activities are purposeful. The school is supporting staff to develop children’s vocabulary. This work is paying off. Children learn especially well when staff skilfully encourage them to use new words and phrases.

Trustees and governors know the school well. They carry out their statutory duties effectively. They use rigorous processes to make sure they identify what works well and what needs further development. Teachers and non-teaching staff feel supported and value the training that they receive. They particularly praise support from the trust. Parents and carers are supportive of the school. They say it serves them, and their children, extremely well.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

n In some subjects, teachers do not consistently emphasise and revisit important knowledge to check that pupils remember it. Where this happens, pupils have a less secure understanding of what they are studying. Leaders should continue to develop the curriculum so that staff know what to emphasise and revisit and so

that they check that pupils remember important knowledge over time.


How can I feed back my views?

You can use Ofsted Parent View to give Ofsted your opinion on your child’s school, or to find out what other parents and carers think. We use information from Ofsted Parent View when deciding which schools to inspect, when to inspect them and as part of their inspection.

The Department for Education has further guidance on how to complain about a school.

Further information

You can search for published performance information about the school.

In the report, ‘disadvantaged pupils’ is used to mean pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND); pupils who meet the definition of children in need of help and protection; pupils receiving statutory local authority support from a social worker; and pupils who otherwise meet the criteria used for deciding the school’s pupil premium funding (this includes pupils claiming free school meals at any point in the last six years, looked after children (children in local authority care)

and/or children who left care through adoption or another formal route).


School details


Unique reference number


Local authority


Inspection number


Type of school


School category

Academy converter

Age range of pupils

3 to 11

Gender of pupils


Number of pupils on the school roll


Appropriate authority

Board of trustees

Chair of trust

Theresa Mason


Simon Gallacher



Dates of previous inspection

11 and 12 June 2019, under section 5 of the Education Act 2005

Information about this school


The school is part of Bradford Diocesan Academy Trust.

A new headteacher took up post in October 2022.

The proportion of pupils who are eligible for pupil premium funding is above the national average.

The proportion of pupils for whom English is an additional language is above the national average.

The school has a nursery.

The school currently does not use any alternative provision.

Information about this inspection

The inspectors carried out this graded inspection under section 5 of the Education Act 2005.


Inspections are a point-in-time judgement about the quality of a school’s education provision.

This was the first routine inspection the school received since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Inspectors discussed the impact of the pandemic with the school and have taken that into account in their evaluation of the school.

The lead inspector held several meetings with the headteacher during the inspection.

The lead inspector met with three members of the governing body and three trustees.

Deep dives were carried out in these subjects: early reading, mathematics, art, design and technology and geography. For each deep dive, inspectors discussed the curriculum with subject leaders, visited a sample of lessons, spoke to teachers, spoke to some pupils about their learning and, where appropriate, looked at samples of pupils’ work.

An inspector observed pupils reading to a familiar adult.

Inspectors spoke to pupils formally and informally about their learning and experiences at school. An inspector also spoke to parents as they dropped their children off at the school gate.

To evaluate the effectiveness of safeguarding, the inspectors: reviewed the single central record; took account of the views of leaders, staff and pupils; and considered the extent to which the school has created an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts pupils’ interests first.

Inspectors observed pupils’ behaviour throughout the school day, including during lesson visits and at breaktimes and lunchtimes. Inspectors spoke to groups of pupils about their views on behaviour and the wider experiences they receive at school.

Inspectors reviewed the parental responses received through the Ofsted online questionnaire, Ofsted Parent View, including free-text responses. Inspectors also considered the responses received through Ofsted’s staff questionnaire and the responses to Ofsted’s pupil questionnaire.

Inspection team


Zoe Helman, lead inspector

His Majesty’s Inspector

Katie Hall

Ofsted Inspector

Sinead Fox

Ofsted Inspector

Chris Jennings

Ofsted Inspector


SIAMS Report - March 2023 - GOOD

Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) Report


Westminster Church of England Primary Academy, Bradford


Westminster Road, Bradford, BD3 0HW

How effective is the school’s distinctive Christian vision, established and promoted by leadership at all levels, in enabling pupils and adults to flourish?

Overall grade


The impact of collective worship



School’s vision

Everyone welcome...embraced by our family, taken to our hearts. Everyone belongs...rooted in love, celebrating each person's uniqueness. Everyone flourishes...treasured experiences, enriching lives.

"There is one body, but it has many parts. But all its many parts make up one body." St Paul's letter to the Corinthians

Key findings


·    Strong and effective leadership are effective in promoting the school's distinctive Christian character. The vision is central to decision making and ensures that all flourish.

·    Adults have a positive and enriching impact on pupils and the wider school community. Social action, practical care and support are the heartbeat of the school. By contrast, opportunities for pupils to make a difference are less well developed.

·    Religious Education (RE) is a strength of the school. It supports the development of pupils' knowledge and understanding enabling them to talk confidently about religious texts and beliefs.

·    Worship is inclusive and invitational. However, the local church community has limited involvement in the worshipping life of the school.

·    Opportunities to experience awe and wonder are threaded throughout the curriculum. Despite this, a clear and secure shared understanding of spirituality is not established.

Areas for development


·    Develop a shared vision for spiritual development that is woven throughout the curriculum and life of the school. This will allow pupils and adults to respond to spiritual and ethical issues.

·    Ensure that pupils have opportunities to take responsibility, make decisions and engage in social action. This will support them in being agents for change.

·    Further strengthen the relationship between the school and local church community. This will enrich worship and strengthen community bonds.


Inspection findings

Westminster School embraces its pupils and their families with love and support. Following recent changes in school leadership, the vision has been revisited and reinvigorated. The new streamlined version is accessible, understood and lived out by all. The vision is theologically underpinned in the biblical teaching of St Paul that ‘there is one body, but it has many parts’. There is a recognition that each person’s uniqueness is treasured and nourished by God’s love. This is further facilitated by the school’s six Christian values. Pupils accurately link these values to Bible stories and explain the impact that they have on their lives. For example, the forty days that Jesus spent in the wilderness encourages them to persevere and be determined.

The school’s priority to welcome and provide a place of belonging is valued by this diverse and mobile community. Consequently, all are enabled to flourish in their own way. Leaders know the school well. Regular and planned monitoring and evaluation leads to continued growth and improvement. Relationships with Bradford Diocesan Academy Trust (BDAT) are highly supportive and beneficial. BDAT works closely with school leaders, facilitating professional development and practical support. This is further advanced via regular training and updates from diocesan advisers. Staff well-being is a high priority. Established systems mean that adults know that they are valued, cared for and part of a team.

Learning experiences are designed to meet the specific contextual needs of the school community. A variety of frequent physical activities and an emphasis on learning to cook, advocate a healthy lifestyle. Those with special educational needs are given careful and appropriate support. ‘Proud to be Bradford’ is an intrinsic element of the school's vision. A ladder of aspiration provides many occasions for pupils to explore and learn from their local environment. Visits to the cathedral, mosque, Alhambra and other local places of interest increase knowledge of the local environment. Further afield, pupils visit locations such as the seaside and London to experience life beyond Bradford. These visits broaden horizons and promote spiritual development. Pupils enthusiastically relate the sense of awe and wonder experienced on such occasions. However, a broader sense of spirituality does not permeate the curriculum. Consequently, occasions to explore spirituality further are lost. There is a strong culture, woven throughout the curriculum, that encourages respect for difference and diversity. Lessons include learning about people such as Elton John, Louis Armstrong and David Hockney. Pupils celebrate and are inspired by the diverse backgrounds of these famous individuals. They are also encouraged to learn from one another. Disagreeing well is a positive attribute. It enables pupils to better understand their own beliefs and values and those of others.

The school’s Christian values are central in the life of the school. Pupils know that forgiveness advances harmony and that determination develops character and success. There is a clear behaviour policy. This incorporates second chances and times for reconciliation. It is understood by both adults and pupils. Exclusions are rare and poor behaviour is dealt with in a way that reflects the Christian vision. Pupil play leaders set an example at break times and provide support when needed. Leadership groups among pupils are appreciated. Members of the Eco committee and Captains’ Council are eager to make a difference. Whilst there is some evidence of their achievements, the roles are not yet fully developed. Consequently, opportunities to challenge injustice and bring about change are not always embraced. The vision is central in its compulsion to meet the physical, practical and emotional needs of its wider community. The ‘Hub’ provides a safe environment where families receive a comprehensive variety of care and support. Parents speak with passion of the way in which staff have gone the extra mile to help. They are effusive in their

appreciation, in their trust and in their sense of belonging. Leaders and staff embody the school’s vision so that all can be nourished by God’s love and flourish. They engage in social action and are courageous advocates for their community. Parents are in no doubt that this is a place where they are welcome and belong. During inspection, parents rightly described the school as an extended family.

RE is led with enthusiasm and skill. Leaders recognise its importance in allowing pupils to explore their own beliefs. The vision is integral to the planning and delivery of lessons. Pupils correctly explain that in studying other faiths they are able to get closer to their own. The high status given to RE is exemplified in the quality of provision. Training and professional development in this area is given priority. Appropriate emphasis is given to the teaching of Christianity and RE fulfils the Statement of Entitlement. Positive attitudes to diversity abound and there is a well-developed understanding of Christianity both locally and globally. Lessons advocate respect for those of a wide range of cultures, faiths and beliefs. Pupils are able to make connections between different faiths. Characters such as Mary and Joseph are explored in both Christianity and Islam. Lessons are a safe place where pupils feel able to explore and share their opinions and beliefs.

Collective worship is invitational and highly inclusive. It is valued as a time of reflection and inspiration. Planning is thorough and effective. It encourages all to think deeply about a range of Bible stories, festivals, important Christian beliefs and values. Pupils lead class worship on a weekly basis. They explore ‘Big Questions’ such as ‘should charity stay at home?’ They demonstrate enthusiasm and can articulate the effect that their contribution makes. Weekly worship is also led by local church leaders. However, further links with the church community are not well established resulting in missed opportunities. Despite this, worship reflects the traditions of the Anglican and wider Christian church. For instance, the lighting of three candles to symbolise the Christian belief in God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Westminster school’s diversity and inclusivity are central to its identity and upheld by the living vision that permeates this community. 



Westminster Church of England Primary Academy, Bradford

Inspection date

17 March 2023



VC/VA/ Academy




Pupils on roll



Bradford Diocesan Academies Trust


Simon Gallacher

Chair of Governors

Janet Tringham


Joanna Brookes
