Westminster C of E Primary Academy

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Westminster Road, Bradford, BD3 0HW


01274 648490

Westminster C of E Primary Academy

Everyone Welcome, Everyone Belongs, Everyone Flourishes...nourished by God's Love

PE - keeping active and learning new games. 

Westminster Primary Academy’s PE Vision 

At Westminster CofE Primary Academy we believe all pupils should experience physical education, school sport and physical activity in a safe and supportive environment that will continue into their later lives and beyond school.  

A high quality, broad and balanced PE curriculum will allow pupils to develop their self-confidence in managing themselves and their bodies whilst experiencing progression in fundamental movement skills, they will develop the importance of healthy lifestyles, self-expression and concepts such as fair play and respect.  Progressive learning objectives, combined with varied teaching approaches endeavour to provide stimulating, enjoyable and appropriately challenging learning experiences for all pupils.   

Through the selection of suitably differentiated and logically developed tasks, it is intended that pupils, irrespective of their innate ability, will enjoy success, and be motivated to further develop their individual potential. 

The activities offered and the teaching approaches adopted seek to provide pupils with opportunities to develop their creative and expressive abilities, through improvisation and problem-solving.  Pupils are encouraged to appreciate the importance of a healthy and fit body, and begin to understand those factors that affect health and fitness. 

In P.E. we hope that our pupils will be motivated to participate in and benefit from physical education and sport.  Through physical activity we aim to improve health and well-being, to promote active participation and develop high self-esteem and high expectations within every child.