Westminster C of E Primary Academy

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Westminster Road, Bradford, BD3 0HW


01274 648490

Westminster C of E Primary Academy

Everyone Welcome, Everyone Belongs, Everyone Flourishes...nourished by God's Love

Writing Vision

At Westminster Primary School, we believe in teaching children to understand the power of writing.  we believe that if we equip the children with the correct writing tools, they will be able to use them effectively within a literate world.

Children at Westminster Primary are provided with a stimulating writing environment in which we offer good quality modelling of writing, shared opportunities to write together and encouragement to write independently.  We have clear expectations for writing which is communicated effectively with the children.  We provide scaffolds to support writing and gradually remove these as confidence grows.  We have high expectations of the finished piece of writing and our children work hard to maintain excellent standards.

At Westminster, we provide children with exciting, purposeful and inspiring reasons to write.  We aim to create passion for writing and create an environment where children can identify themselves as writers.

In Order for our pupils to become effective and successful writers, we aim to teach them to:

  • Read like a writer and write like a reader, making links between books they have read and linking it to their own writing.
  • Understand the power of writing and equip them to use it well.
  • Be competent, confident and not to hesitate in putting their ideas on paper.
  • Recognise the need to adapt their writing to suit a range of audiences and purposes.
  • Us the most appropriate form of writing for a given task.
  • Use spelling and grammar accurately and with confidence.
  • Use a fluent and legible handwriting style.
  • Revise and edit work in progress.
  • Write independently and produce high quality writing across the curriculum.
  • Write imaginative, interesting and thoughtful texts.


In EYFS, children are encouraged to attempt their own emergent writing and their efforts are valued and celebrated.  As their phonic knowledge increases, so does their ability to write independently.  At the same time, their knowledge of key words is supported through reading and writing activities, including shared reading and writing.

Legible letter information is explicitly taught and modelled on a daily basis.  A wide variety of opportunities are provided for children to engage in writing activities and independently apply their phonic skills through role play, creative activities, computing and outdoor area.

KS1 and KS2

Westminster has a clear long-term plan for English.  The writing section is underpinned by progression in writing documents and the National Curriculum.  Teachers use this document to plan medium term units for English which include grammar and writing phase.

Across the year, teachers will plan to cover all the requirements of the National Curriculum.  In order to enthuse and capture children's imagination we write purposeful pieces for a wide variety of audiences.  All writing units start with immersion in high-quality text.


The teaching and writing will include but is not limited to:

  • the use of WAGOLLs for children to refer back to throughout the writing journey.
  • Explicitly teaching the writing phases.
  • High quality modelling of writing at different phases.
  • The use of scaffolds to support new learning.
  • Providing specific feedback throughout the writing journey.
  • Using and applying grammar concepts in the context of the unit of work.
  • Providing children with writing tools - word books, story mountains, vocabulary mats etc.
  • Sharing and talking about writing - exploring different writers and their writing styles.
  • Balancing composition with transcription - having high expectations for transcription, spellings and handwriting.
  • Creating a vocabulary rich classroom - discuss, read and apply new vocabulary.
  • Application of phonics and spelling rules.
  • Encouraging children to experiment with language and write for pleasure.