School Meals and Milk
We have our own kitchen where meals are prepared daily by staff from Bradford FM Catering, our school meal providers.
Each day there is a choice of hot and cold meals, fresh fruit and puddings, served with a drink.
There is no charge for school meals for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 due to government funding called Universal Free School Meals.
A school meal for children in Years 3 to 6 costs £2.30 per day (£11.50 per week). Parents and carers should use our secure online ParentPay system to pay for their child’s school dinner (log in details available from the school office). Payment can be made daily, weekly, half-termly, termly or annually, in advance, and your ParentPay account will only be charged on days that your child has a school meal.
Children can choose on a daily basis whether they have a school meal or bring a packed lunch. The school meal is chosen by the child in class in a morning.
Here is a parent pack to introduce you to Bradford FM Catering which includes a link to their Parent App - Parent Welcome Pack
If your child has any food allergies, it is very important that you contact the school office to complete an allergen pack.
Milk at School
Milk is provided free of charge to nursery and reception class children up until the week in which they turn five.
Milk is also offered free of charge to all children who are registered for Free School Meals (see below).
If your child is not eligible to receive free milk and you would like to purchase milk for them, it can be ordered online via
Do you qualify for free school meals?
Registering for Free School Meals means our school gets extra money from the government, known as the Pupil Premium.
Free School Meals and a uniform voucher is available to children of parents and carers who get one of the following:
- Income Support
- Universal Credit
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Pension Credit (Guarantee Credit only)
- Support from NASS (National Asylum Seeker’s Support)
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
You can apply online for Free School Meals via the school office or Bradford Council website.
Lunch Menu Week 1 - week beginning 2nd Sept, 23rd Sept, 14th Oct
Lunch Menu Week 2 - week beginning 9th Sept, 30th Sept, 21st Oct
Lunch Menu Week 3 - week beginning 16th Sept, 7th Oct